Alright guys, N-Acetyl-Cysteine or NAC is one of the Trich treatment trends going on lately, so I decided to do some research!
"So.. what is it?"
Well, here's the fancy definition: (from Wikipedia)
Acetylcysteine (rINN; ), also known as N-acetylcysteine or N-acetyl-L-cysteine (abbreviated NAC), is a pharmaceutical drug used mainly as a mucolytic agent and in the management of paracetamol (acetaminophen) overdose.
"Okay.. so what did that mean.. and why doesn't it mention Trich?"
Basically this means that NAC is an amino acid that is used both as a pharmaceutical and a nutritional supplement to treat/assist with quite a few different ailments. Regarding Trichotillomania, NAC has been shown in certain studies to greatly reduce the desires we have to pull. This supplement was NOT intended to be used for Trich, but it has shown promise that it can help with it as well as the many other conditions it can be used to treat.
According to the
July 2009 issue of Archives of General Psychiatry, after 12 weeks, patients taking the active agent (NAC) had significantly greater reductions in hair-pulling symptoms than those taking placebo. “Fifty-six percent of patients ‘much or very much improved’ with N-acetylcysteine use compared with 16 percent taking placebo,” the authors write. “Significant improvement was initially noted after nine weeks of treatment.” None of the participants reported adverse effects from NAC.
This sounds like real promising information for a lot of us. I have gotten several e-mails from people saying it worked for them, but a few people have also said the effects for them were not long-term. There aren't any real long-term studies yet, so while it won't hurt to try it, I don't suggest thinking it will be a miracle for you. Also, many sites suggest that NAC be used as an addition to any treatment you are already recieving (like therapy), not just as your main treatment. I really don't think that there will ever be a magic pill to get rid of Trichotillomania. I have always been a believer that Trich is a disorder in it's own right, but also a symptom of some type of pain that has happened in our lives. That pain needs to be dealt with, not just medicated.
I hope this info was beneficial to someone, and please let me know if you try NAC.
It should be available at most health food stores. I'd love to hear your expierence.
Oh and just to let you guys know, 27 hours and eighteen minutes pull-free for me! (I'm running my stop-watch on my phone, started after the last lash I pulled). I'm still feeling cruddy though. :( My specialist appointment is Thursday for all the gastrointestinal issues I've been having. I'll be trying to make my posts more regular (as in every 1-3 days).
Thanks for hangin' in there for me!
A Trichy Life