Sunday, January 16, 2011

Just an update-

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days, I've been feeling awful lately.
I've been having random digestive problems (I think it's my gallbladder), and I'm waiting to see a specialist. I haven't had much motivation to blog since it's been particularly bad lately. :/ I promise I will be getting back to it and doing that NAC article very soon! I still want to hear from all of you as well- ideas for articles are always welcome!

As for my eyelashes, last night I did a little damage again, but I maintained a bit of control and didn't pull them all. I feel like my puling is leaps and bounds better in the past weeks, I'm crossing my fingers that it says that way!

Thank you for bearing with me, and please look back within the next day or two for the NAC article. :)

A Trichy Life

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