Friday, January 14, 2011

I need your help!

I want to thank everyone who has sent me e-mails, and given me support regarding this blog. It makes me so happy to feel that my efforts are being appreciated, and maybe even helping someone out. That's all I'm trying to do here is help anyone I can get manage their Trichotillomania the best they can. I really do think that we all can do it. It'll just take some creativity and some work.

My question today is what else do you want to see from this site?
I'm looking for some topics regarding Trich that interest YOU. Have any ideas? Please, please send some e-mails. Have any cool ways you deal with your Trich that you think would benefit everyone else, let me know!

I respond to every single e-mail I get and I want all of your ideas. Even if you don't think it's a good one, send it anyway! Also, if you have any questions for me that you want me to post in a "Questions" blog, e-mail me with "questions" or "my question" as the subject and I'll post it!

Oh and just for a heads-up. Look for an article coming hopefully tomorrow night on  N-Acetyl Cysteine. I'm working on putting together as much info about this as possible. N-Acetyl Cysteine is an amino acid that is being tested in Trich treatment. I am trying to be as thorough as possible with this so bear with me.

On a not-so-great note my Trich reared it's ugly head again last night and I pulled out most of my progress. :( But I haven't pulled since before midnight last night so I'm trying again! Ugh, as we all know it's so difficult to not pull, but when you go almost pull-free for a few days and then ruin it it's a real downer. Oh well, better luck this time I hope. I want to beat my previous record of three weeks pull free so badly! I think that with time I will be able to do it. I am also hoping therapy will help, I am going to my second session at some point next week so let's keep our fingers crossed! I am getting really serious about this ever since I started this blog. I want to do everything I can to beat this, not only for me but to help other people do the same. And I will. :)

Have a great evening, everyone!

A Trichy Life

P.S. I never said my e-mail address in this post, whoops! It's


  1. Hi Savannah, I look forward to reading your article on NAC. I googled it and read a little bit about it. I've never heard of it before; sounds promising. Another technique I once tried was called EMDR. Here is a link to more info:

    I remember going home after the first session and I was reading in bed and never once touched my eyelashes. I was absolutely amazed. I don't know why I stopped going to the therapist. I guess the usual lame excuses: time, money and sometimes I would stress out about going to see her because she would encourage me to just talk about whatever was on my mind and sometimes I would just go blank. Anyways it might be worth it to someone to check into.

  2. Hi Svannah,

    I've tried NAC actually, and it did help A LOT for me for the first month and a half? It calmed me down a lot and for some reason my desire to pull left me. They recommend taking as much as 36grams, I think, a day. Which is about 5 pills a day if I'm correct. I took about 3 a day, and did a fine.

    Though, after the first month and a half, the NAC stopped working miracles for me. I don't know why, I think it's because my body got use to it. I tried upping my dosage but that didn't work. So, it no longer works for me as it did when I first took it. Maybe it has just happened to me, but either way that was a huge dissapointment.

  3. @ Lisa- Thank you so much for that info, I will definitely check it out!

    @ Aloha- I'm considering trying it out to see if it works for me, that must have been discouraging for you that it only lasted such a short time. Thank you for your information though. :)

    A Trichy Life

  4. Hey, guys. I was wondering what therapy for trich is like? I've considered it a few times, but I don't know what they do when you're there. I don't have any money to waste if it's not going to help me, so I was just curious if therapy actually does anything for you guys. Please let me know as much as you can! Thanks. :)

  5. Oh, and a little something that helps me not to pull is wearing gloves around the house. They are good for anytime I realize I'm pulling, so I just put them on. I also wear them when I go to bed, because thats when I do the most damage.

  6. @ Amanda: I have never been to therapy SPECIFICALLY for Trich, but I have been to therapy where it has been addressed. They basically try to teach you different tools to re-direct your thoughts when you want to pull. It honestly didn't do much for me but it doesn't hurt to try if you can! And good tip!
